Friday, April 24, 2015

Bad News Royals?

Now that the drama of the K-State men’s basketball team finally seems to be coming to a settle, we can change our discussion to the good sport: baseball. No drama, no crap. Just our favorite boys in blue, doing that thing they do….

Well this is rather violent.

Not even Salvador Perez can keep this peace.
Some days you're just the guy getting his face smashed...
"What the hell is Anthropology and why is it a Gen Ed?!"
"I don't know man! I don't make the rules!"
Oh is that not what they're saying? Oh.

That’s right, the Mets have been the surprise of the season. As I am typing this blog, they are getting ready to go head to head against the Yankees in the Subway Series.

The new good guys?

 The Mets are playing like the Royals did last October. Which is great news to me because for the past four years I’ve kept blue and orange on hand just in case the Mets decided to have a breakout season. I picked them to be my National League backup team about four years ago, and they’ve been the biggest disappointment of my life.

But they're making up for it. AND LOOK HOW CUTE THAT

 In fact, a lot of people used to say if you wanted to learn how to play baseball, you just watch the Mets and then do the opposite of that. Not this year though! The Mets currently have the best record in baseball and they lead the NL East. If they keep this up, I might actually have to have an in-depth post about them with real numbers and stats or something.

But for now… back to this.

SPOILER: he missed the punch. This is not as bad as it looks.

So the boys in blue have been getting a bad rep for being a little scrappy this season. A vast majority of the country thinks these guys are looking for a fight. The Royals and their fans are basically screwed now. ESPN labeled us as the most despised team in the MLB, and you’re basically dealing with a marketing disaster that has exploded on social media. You can read the article here. Face the music Royals fans. We’re all in this together.

Once you go viral, there is no turning back.

Dammit Twitter.

There seems to be a consensus that the other teams in the MLB don’t like the Royals because they are enthusiastic, chest bumping, high-fiving, hand shacking, and you know… having fun.




I’m going to take you back to your days playing Little League softball/baseball. This may be scary for some of you, but just hang in there, this is going to be good… probably. Every year, some coach ended up with a stacked team. The most athletic kids all ended up on the same team. They were the stat leaders.

Damn Yankees...

 Then there was the Bad News Bears. This team was made up of a bunch of misfit random kids, some of whom had never thrown a baseball in their lives. And a girl.

"Hey Yankees, you can take your crappy trophies and shove them right up your @$$3$"

 They were scrappy, and that little blond kid started fights all the time. They lost in the championship game, but they had made it to the championship game despite everyone’s expectations.



Except we have no girl pitchers. 

Having fun wins games. Do you honestly expect Florida Gulf Coast would have made it to the Sweet 16 in the 2013 NCAA Tournament if they wouldn’t have been having fun?! Doesn’t every small-ball Cinderella team win by HAVING FUN?! THEY’RE WINNING WHO CARES?!?

They are having fun, and the Royals are also good this year. Really good. They’ve started off the season almost as hot as the Mets are. Here’s some handy charts with some quick stats.
(Stats as of 4/24/15 7:00 PM)
(Source: ESPN Stats)
(Stats listed are chosen based solely off of what I believe to be important)
(The Third Column exists solely to make my team look better.)

Batting: Ranked 4th in MLB – 3rd in AL
Batting Average (AVG)
Highest in the MLB
On Base Percentage (OBP)
Highest in the MLB
Hits (H)
Most in the MLB

Pitching: Ranked 5th in MLB – 2nd in AL
Earned Run Average (ERA)
2nd Lowest in the AL
Walks (BB)
Lowest in the AL
Strikeouts (SO)
… we could use some more

Fielding: Ranked 6th in the MLB – 4th in AL
            We have Golden Glove winners and Lorenzo Cain. Your point is invalid.

The only thing standing between the Royals and the top spot for batting is that they need to score more runs. Toronto (94), the damn Yankees (85), and San Diego (85) are ahead of the Royals (84) in runs scored.

Listen up America, these kids are just looking for a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T and they just want to have fun and play baseball. Even Brett Lawrie said “This is a game.” Games are fun, right?

And he got hit by a pitch and he still believes "This is a game!"

I think everyone just needs to chill out and let the Royals be themselves. Look at how much fun they are having! Just keep doing your thing and winning games, boys.

First of all, welcome to our happy fun-loving baseball team and fandom. You’re stuck with us forever now, according to the Geek’s Guide to Bandwagoning, which can be referenced here.
So if you don’t like the way the Royals are playing right now, and if you don’t like the way we start fights almost every game, and if you don’t like the way the rest of America hates us and seems to want to talk crap on us, TOO FLIPPING BAD! You’re stuck with us now, so it’s time to suit up and back our boys in blue, because I feel like another Blue October.

DISCLAIMER: These photos aren't mine, and I've borrowed them. But I'm not getting profit on them. So please just leave me alone and allow me to have fun. Some of you hate that. Too bad.
Live updates on my freaking life: @SaxophoneLizard

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